Website Source

I’ve made the raw source of my website available so that others can make use of it in developing their own sites. In the initial design of my site I looked for a good template that was also dynamic and had a menu for navigation. Yet I also needed it to be simple enough and use the most basic of the tools provided.

Note: This code is past its expiration date, and is not what I use to run my site now.


Written over a the time of 2 years and gone through many changes. Every chance I get, I try and make the code more dynamic. It has moved from being perl/cgi based to php and hopefully I’ll add some sort of database functionality to it soon. There’s a pretty comprehensive README and a good deal of documentation inside the files.


Websource 3.1

This version contains the changes added on October 16, 2004. It includes the parser for the weblog. As well as the archive parser. Very spiffy!


  • October 16, 2004 :
    • Made weblog entries into an XML style flat file (sort of a database)
    • Wrote a parser for the XML file. The parse function takes a number as an argument. The argument decides how many entries it will read. This means that the first page of the weblog will only show a number of the entries instead of all of them!
    • Rewrote first page and archive page to use the parser.
  • October 14, 2004 :
    • Removed session variables from PHP code.

Websource 3.0

The versioning is just to keep consistent with what I have on my CVS server and does not signify much.
This version has the PHP functionality with dynamic menus, and uses session variables.